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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Vote for Heritage Training and Career Center for the $25k State Farm Neighborhood Assist Grant

Vote for Heritage Training and Career Center for the $25k State Farm Neighborhood Assist Grant to assist students living in low-income communities in a Pilot GED Program.

40 causes will receive $25k. Your votes decide where it goes.

Voting is open! Now’s your chance to help Heritage Training and Career Center receive a $25,000 grant to conduct a Pilot Basic Education/GED Program for low-income families to obtain the education needed to become self-sufficient. Every person can vote up to 10 times each day from May 14 through June 3. Invite your friends, family and neighbors to help, because only the 40 causes with the most votes will receive a grant.
Please take a moment to vote for Heritage Training and Career Center by logging on to, click on the Vote’ button, then select ‘Alabama’ from the drop down menu in the upper right corner, and then select ‘Adult Literacy Program.’ 
You may vote up to 10 times per day until June 3, 2015. You may cast all ten votes at once; there is no need to logon ten times daily. Please also invite your friends, family and neighbors to help – because only the 40 causes with the most votes will receive a grant!

The community need this cause addresses: The need in the community that we would like to address is literacy. The literacy rate for individuals in low-income communities that we serve ranks between 21% and 25%. For individuals, lack of basic skills can lead to unemployment or low-paying, dead-end jobs; to status as permanent political outsiders, with no opportunity to have their voices heard; and to the possibility of watching their children repeat the cycle. Literacy levels in low-income communities affect economic development, diminish the effectiveness of local government and citizen participation, and place a heavy financial and educational burden on the school system. For all these reasons, our community need an effective adult literacy program. The uses of literacy and its effect on employment also have to be considered, it is the use of a skill that matters: there are many adults with families that has the potential of earning a living wage, but have not developed their learning skill to be successful.

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