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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Guaranteed Loan Making and Servicing Handbook

Good morning from the Guaranteed Loan Making Team.

The full version of FSA Farm Loan Programs Handbook 2-FLP (Rev. 1), Guaranteed Loan Making and Servicing,  has been updated and made available for download.

The current handbook, which includes the last Amendment 30,  is available at:

If you have any questions related to the current handbook update feel free to contact the Farm Loan Programs at

Thank you from the USDA Farm Service Agency Loan Programs

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Special Thanks to the Tree Guys Services

Thank you to this company that actually donated their time and special skills to cut down trees, prune trees and haul the branches and debris away on the grounds of National Women In Ag. Association's People/Community Garden, 1701 N. Martin Luther King Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73111.  This generation understands how to donate and volunteer for the health of many; no lip service but action.  We would recommend this company to anyone in the world. Servants of the world.